GlaViWo - Book: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00295

Glossar der Jemenitischen Dialektwörter in Eduard Glasers Tagebüchern (II, III, VI, VII, VIII, X)

Authors: Behnstedt, Peter 
Published in: Wien
Published by: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften , 1993
Phil.-Hist. Klasse, Sitzungsberichte 594. Band; Veröffentlichungen der Arabischen Kommission Nr. 6
Eduard Glaser's diaries contain not only notes on routes, plants, copies of inscriptions, ethnological annotations and accounts, but also linguistic notes on the modern South Arabian languages and Yemeni dialects.
Those notes extracted by Peter Behnstedt (1992-2006) from diaries II, III, VI, VII, VIII and X include idiomatic expressions as well as terminology on building techniques, agriculture, names of plants etc. Apart from minor errors, the material is still of interest and not yet outdated.
Linked signature, parents: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-T2
Linked signature, children: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00131

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