GlaViWo - Glaser Diary/Manuscript: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-T2

(Type of publication: diary)

Tagebuch II.

Language: German
Publication year: 1887-1888
Pages: 98 fols.
Beside geographical (measurement data) and ethnographical issues it contains records of his third journey (1887-88). 98 fols. are written in Gabelsberger short-hand, 8 fols. are blank. This diary has two transcriptions, one of them by Adolf Grohmann; one photocopy.
Link (19.04.2021)
Link to digital representation
Link to digital representation
Linked signature, children: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-T2-Tr1
Museum number: Austrian Academy of Sciences, Glaser Collection, Box

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