GlaViWo - Archive: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-ZAMU-11-08-056

(Type of publication: newspaper article)

David Heinrich v. Müller

Authors: Rhodokanakis, Nikolaus 
Locality: Wien
Museum number: Regionální Muzeum K.A. Polánka v Žatci (Av 11/8,56)
Provenance: Estate of Eduard Glaser (1855-1908)
Language: German
Creation date: 05.01.1913
'… Der Tod hat lang und zu wuchtigen Hieben ausholen müssen, um so viel Energie und Arbeitskraft zu vernichten; bevor das Herz stille stand, das mit so viel Feuer und Leidenschaft der Forschung und der Wissenschaft zugetan gewesen …'
Short description:
Nikolaus Rhodokanakis (1876-1945), professor of Semitic philology at the University of Graz (Austria), pays tribute to the work of David Heinrich Müller (1846-1912), professor of Semitic philology at the University of Vienna. He recalls the lectures of his 'excessively sharp-minded' teacher and the way he took interest in the work of his students, whom he wanted to prepare for life as a scientist in such a way that they would be spared harsh criticism, especially in their difficult beginnings.
Rhodokanakis also describes Müller's 'feverish activity' in the last years of his life to secure the scientific estate of Eduard Glaser (1855-1908) for Austria. After the acquisition of the Glaser Collection by the then Imperial Academy of Sciences (today's Austrian Academy of Sciences), 'Müller found no peace until the vast material was accommodated, arranged and distributed. ... He clung to the 'Glaseriana' as if it were a treasure, the most valuable of his life.'
Rhodokanakis concludes his obituary with the words: 'His memory is enshrined in the hearts of his friends and students. What he did for research in the pursuit of truth will live on as a part of the light that shines forever.'
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