GlaViWo - Archive: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-ZAMU-11-08-022

(Type of publication: journal article)

Mittheilungen über einige aus meiner Sammlung stammende sabäische Inschriften nebst einer Erklärung in Sachen der D. H. Müllerschen Ausgabe der Geographie Al Hamdani's, geschrieben Prag Juli 1886

Authors: Praetorius, Franz 
Locality: Leipzig
Museum number: Regionální Muzeum K.A. Polánka v Žatci (Av 11/8,22)
Provenance: Estate of Eduard Glaser (1855-1908)
Language: German
Creation date: 1886

Short description:
This article by the German Orientalist Franz Praetorius (1847-1927) contains a review of Eduard Glasers work 'Mittheilungen über einige aus meiner Sammlung stammende sabäische Inschriften. Nebst einer Erklärung in Sachen der D. H. Müller’schen Ausgabe der Geographie al-Hamdānīs'.
The main part of this book is devoted to the explanation of the previously unpublished nine-line inscription GL 302, the original of which was acquired by the Königliche Museen zu Berlin (Royal Museums in Berlin) after Eduard Glaser's second journey to Yemen (April 1885-February 1886).
According to Praetorius, Glaser's publication offers a number of new and correct observations despite 'some misleading and many questionable' interpretations of the ancient South Arabian inscriptions he had collected. (p. 1402)
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