GlaViWo - Archive: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-ZAMU-11-02-389

(Type of publication: letter)

Authors: Glaser, Eduard GND
Recipient: S. Glaser`s Söhne Productengeschäft 
Glaser, Alois 
Locality: Berlin, Dorotheenstrasse 70, II
Pages: 2
Museum number: Regionální Muzeum K.A. Polánka v Žatci (Av 11/2,389)
Provenance: Estate of Eduard Glaser (1855-1908)
Date of letter: 25.12.1888
Language: German
Creation date: 25.12.1888
Date of receipt: 26.12.1888
Locality of recipient: Saaz
'Lieber Alois! Habe soeben das Geld erhalten u. auch schon umgewechselt. Sonst nichts Neues. Warum hast du mir nicht ganze hundert Mark geschickt?
Kommt der 6. Jänner, wo ich Quartiergeld zahlen muss u. bis dahin kann ich unmöglich schon irgend etwas verkauft haben. Ich werde also wieder Geld brauchen. Grüsze mir Alle! Dein Eduard'
Short description:
Eduard Glaser (1855-1908) confirms receipt of the last remittance from his brother Alois (1853-1931) which, however, does not allow him to meet all expenses. Since he does not expect to be able to sell anything from his collections he had brought from his third journey to Yemen (October 1887 - September 1888) until the next rent payment is due, he asks Alois to send more money.
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Linked signature, sisters: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-ZAMU-11-02-390
According to a note written in pencil in the upper left corner, Alois Glaser sent 100 marks on December 30th, 1888.

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