GlaViWo - Glaser Diary/Manuscript: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-T7

(Type of publication: diary)

Glasers Tagebuch VII.

Language: German
Publication year: 1886
Pages: cover, 26 pp., 4 single sheets
Envelope with the note: _Glasers Tagebuch VII (Bl. 1-26). Enthält die Inschr. No. 382-404 u. 346_ (in black ink), _Davon für Sola-Solà kopiert: GL329, 394, 395, 398, 400_ (pencil). _A 999_ (in blue pencil). Single sheets fols. 1-26, fol. 5 is missing, handwritten (in pencil), sketches of maps on f. 2, 3r, 3v, 10, 21. Partially additions are written in brown ink (Glaser's hand). The first entry is Sunday, January 17th (deleted), followed by Monday, January 17th/18th and it ends with Sunday, January 31st. Fol.5. is transcribed in transcription 2 (GL382-GL383), see transcription 2. E. Glaser refers to the following inscriptions: GL384-386 (fol. 6r), GL387-388 (fol. 6v), GL389 (fol. 7), GL390-393 (Fol. 8), GL394-395 (fol. 9r), GL396 (fol. 9v), GL397 (fol. 11v), GL398-399 (fol. 12r), GL400-403 (fol. 12v), GL346 (fol. 13v). 4 additional sheets Add. 1: words in Thair and Mahri (in pencil), on verso: an invoice by Franz Schlegel addressed to Eduard Glaser, bookbinder in Munich, dated May 10th, 1895. Add. 2: _Ibb [...] H' Uzal_ (17 items enumerated, on verso handwriting in Arabic (in pencil) Add. 3: GL404, on verso blank (in black ink, pencil) Add. 4: sketch of a map (in brown ink) (north of ʾAķîla and ʾAden, on verso no. 36 (in brown pencil)
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Museum number: Austrian Academy of Sciences, Glaser Collection, Box

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