GlaViWo - Archive: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-OSTA-AVA-UA_13858

(Type of publication: manuscript)

Herrn Hofrath Prof. D. Otto Benndorf zur gef. Äußerung

Authors: K.K. Ministerium für Cultus und Unterricht 
Recipient: Benndorf, Otto 
Locality: Wien
Pages: 3
Museum number: Österreichisches Staatsarchiv (AVA,UM-allg.,Zl. 13.858/1894)
Language: German
Creation date: 12.06.1894 - 19.11.1894
Locality of recipient: Wien
Vorstände des orientalischen Institutes der Wiener Universität haben in Erfahrung gebracht, daß das h.v. Ministerium den Ankauf der Glaser'schen Sammlung arabischer Handschriften u. Alterthümer beabsichtige und bitten, im Falle des Ankaufes der bezeichneten Sammlung dieselbe dem oriental. Institute zur Prüfung zuzuweisen. ...
Short description:
Otto Benndorf (1838-1907), archaeologist and founder of the Austrian Archaeological Institute, is asked to give his opinion on the value of the collection of antiquities and ancient manuscripts that Eduard Glaser (1855-1908) had brought back from his fourth trip to Yemen.
Benndorf provides an overview of the experts involved in the assessment of the Glaser Collection that the Imperial and Royal Ministry of Culture and Education intends to acquire.
Fritz Hommel (1854-1936) --> evaluation of the ancient South Arabian antiquities Max Grünert (1849-1929) --> evaluation of the ancient Arabic manuscripts
Linked signature, parents: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-01561
Linked signature, sisters: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-OSTA-AVA-UP_2090CUM_6
Linked signature, children: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-01569

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