GlaViWo - Archive: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-LOAR-232-04-010

(Type of publication: letter)

Authors: Glaser, Eduard GND
Recipient: S. Glaser`s Söhne Productengeschäft 
Locality: al-Ḥudayda
Pages: 2
Museum number: Státní okresní archiv Louny (232-04-010)
Provenance: Estate of Eduard Glaser (1855-1908)
Date of letter: 13.02.1894
Language: German
Creation date: 13.02.1894
Date of receipt: 06.03.1894
Locality of recipient: Saaz
The beginning of this letter reads: 'L. Br.! (abbreviated for: Dear brother!) Sofort bei Eintreffen dieser Zeilen bitte ich dich, 250,75 francs (in Gold) an Signori Mazzucchelli & Perera ... einzusenden.
Ich reise morgen nach Aden. Herzl. Grüsze Eduard'
Short description:
Eduard Glaser (1855-1908) requests his elder brother Alois (1853-1931) to transfer the amount of 250.75 to the company 'Mazzucchelli & Perera' in Genoa ...
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Linked signature, sisters: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-LOAR-232-04-009

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