GlaViWo - Book: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00562

Études sur les dialectes de l'Arabie méridionale

Authors: Landberg, Carlo von 
Published in: Leiden
Published by: Brill , 1901
1, Ḥaḍramoût
'Études sur les dialectes de l'Arabie méridionale' (Studies of the Dialects of South Arabia) is a monumental study (consisting of four volumes) of the dialects of the Ḥaḍramawt and Datinah regions of the southern Arabian Peninsula. It was written by Count Carlo Landberg (1848‒1924), one of Swedens foremost orientalists.
Volume 1 covers the dialect of Ḥaḍramawt and encompasses meticulously transcribed recitations of poems, songs, and stories collected from the tribes. Like Eduard Glaser (1855-1908), Carlo Landberg pays particular attention to lexical links between extinct and existing languages in the South of the Arabian Peninsula.
The learned Swedish orientalist who is also known for his excentricity cannot refrain from sideswipes towards Eduard Glaser, calling him 'a layman in the field of the Arabic language'. (p. 745)
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Linked signature, sisters: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00572
Linked signature, children: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00561

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