GlaViWo - Book: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00554

Das Alter der minäischen Inschriften und der Ursprung des Namens der Ebräer

Authors: Glaser, Eduard GND
Published in: Berlin
Published by: Wolf Peiser Verlag , 1897
This work of Eduard Glaser, dealing with the dating of the Minaean inscriptions, was first published in the 'Mittheilungen der vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft' on March 13th, 1897.
Basing himself on the inscriptions he had collected, notably GL 1155 (= HAL 535), Eduard Glaser asserted that the Minaean kingdom had preceded the Sabaean Kingdom (see also 'Skizze der Geschichte und Geographie Arabiens', vol. II, pp. 65 & 66 & 'Skizze der Geschichte Arabiens', vol. I, p. 56 ff.), suggesting that the beginnings of the Minaean kingdom be placed back in the second millennium BCE (pp. 1-3).
Reference is made to the following Glaser inscriptions: - GL 1155 (HAL 535) - GL 1083 (HAL 187, HAL 188, HAL 191)
Link ( 19.05.2021 )
Linked signature, parents: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00324

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