GlaViWo - Book: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00531

The Sultan's Yemen. Nineteenth-Century Challenges to Ottoman Rule

Authors: Farah, Caesar E 
Published in: London
Published by: I.B. Tauris , 2002
The Ottomans first entered Yemen in 1538 in response to the interference of the Portuguese. After an absence of almost 200 years, they returned to Yemen in 1849 in order to reassert their sovereignty over the country. Caesar E. Farah's study covers the attempts made by a succession of Ottoman governors to prevent Italy and Great Britain from gaining influence in the country.
Chapter 5 (p. 105) is about Eduard Glaser's stop in Istanbul (1884) after his first journey to Yemen (1882-1884) and reflects his view of the security situation in the country. Chapter 8 (p .147) covers Eduard Glaser's investigative mission in 1907, commissioned by the Sublime Porte with the aim of introducing reforms to stabilise Yemen:
'Glaser submitted his report and an accompanying map to Istanbul. It focused on conditions in the vilayet, especially in the eastern region. It was translated into Ottoman and reviewed in a session of the Council of Ministers in January 1907, then passed to the minister of the interior.'
Linked signature, parents: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-NAMU-2-013-00
Linked signature, sisters: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00139

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