GlaViWo - Article: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00433

(Type of publication: newspaper article)

Der Aufstand in Südarabien

Authors: Glaser, Eduard GND
Book title: Wiener Allgemeine Zeitung (Mittagblatt)
Volume: 1667 (18.10.1884)
Locality: Wien
Pages: 4
Language: German
In this article, Eduard Glaser (1855-1908) refers to his analysis of the political situation in Yemen published in the newspaper 'La Turquie' on April 26th, 1884. He covers Turkey's intention to increase its troops in order to clean-up the political chaos in the Vilayet of Yemen which he considers overdue against the backdrop of some European countries' ardent desire of extending their influence in 'the cradle of Islam'.
Drawing on his observations made during the last phase of his first journey to Yemen (1882-1884), Eduard Glaser provides an overview of the state of the suppression of the revolts achieved by the Governor Izzet Pasha.
Link (21.01.2021)
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