GlaViWo - Article: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00428

(Type of publication: newspaper article)

Das jüdische Königreich der Lihjan im nördlichen Arabien. Schluß

Authors: Glaser, Eduard GND
Book title: Allgemeine Zeitung München
Volume: 1/6, Beilage 37 (06.02.1890)
Locality: München
Published by Cotta 1890
Pages: 2-4
Language: German
The present article is the second and last part of Eduard Glaser' treatise on the kingdom of Liḥyān and the history of the Liḥyānite people whom Glaser, according to his reading of Pliny, believes to have formed part of the Thamūd.
Link (21.01.2021)
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