GlaViWo - Article: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00363

(Type of publication: journal article)

Von Ḥodeida nach Ṣan'â vom 24. April bis 1. Mai 1885. Aus dem Tagebuch des Forschungsreisenden Eduard Glaser

Authors: Glaser, Eduard GND
Book title: Dr. A. Petermanns Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt
Volume: 32
Locality: Gotha
Published by Justus Perthes 1886
Pages: 1-10, 33-48
Language: German
This article by Eduard Glaser (1855-1908) is based on diary entries on his second journey to Yemen (April 1885 - February 1886). It includes a preliminary sketch-map of the regions visited by Glaser during his first and second research sojourns.
Eduard Glaser provides a detailed account of his trip from Ḥudayda to Ṣanʿāʾ - via Bāǧil, Bohaḥ, Ḥoǧayla, Menāḫa, Mefḥak, Sūq el-Ḫamīs, Metne and Mind.
Based on his field research, Glaser also criticises D.H. Müller's edition of al-Hamdānī's geography of the Arabian Peninsula 'Ṣifat Ǧazīrat al-ʿArab', characterising it as 'not very reliable' (pp. 6 & 8); he feels compelled to make corrections to the spelling of names and places. (p. 36 ff)
Link (15.01.2021)
Linked signature, parents: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-NAMU-2-087-00
Linked signature, sisters: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00472
Linked signature, children: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00432

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