GlaViWo - Article: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00332

(Type of publication: biography)

Eduard Glaser

Authors: Tobi, Yosef 
Book title: Encyclopaedia Judaica
Volume: 7
Locality: Detroit
Published by Macmillan Reference USA 2007
Pages: 626
Language: English
In this biography, the Austrian scholar, archaeologist and explorer Eduard Glaser (1855-1908) is portrayed as 'the leading 19th century scholarly researcher in south Arabia and the pioneer of Sabaean studies and pre-Islamic history'. (p. 626)
According to the author, the secret of Eduard Glaser's research success resided in his 'thorough knowledge of the Arabic language, of Oriental customs, and especially of Islam'.
Link (11.01.2021)
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