GlaViWo - Article: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00322

(Type of publication: journal article)

Meine Reise durch Arḥab und Hāschid

Authors: Glaser, Eduard GND
Book title: Dr. A. Petermanns Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt
Volume: 30
Locality: Gotha
Published by Justus Perthes 1884
Pages: 170-183, 204-213
Language: German
Eduard Glaser describes his 2-week-trip to the highlands of Yemen in 1884 (31 January - 13 February 1884). He enumerates the tribes living in Arḥab und Hāšid and describes, among many other things, traditional rules governing infringements such as theft.
This account also contains a description of the position of the Jews among the tribes in Hāšid. (pp. 174-175) According to Glaser, Jews have been present in Yemen since the time of Solomon, or at least since the period between the First and Second Temple. They have no rights and are obliged to wear special clothing and hairstyles; they are not allowed to carry, to ride horses or to live together with Muslims.
The villages are built with protective walls and Jews are not allowed to build houses within. However, it is considered a crime to harm a Jew. If this happens, it is a matter of honour for their protector to obtain justice. Jews are not involved in tribal decision making.
Link (14.01.2021)
Linked signature, sisters: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00469
Linked signature, children: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-ZAMU-11-01-132

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