GlaViWo - Article: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00265

(Type of publication: article)

Explorations in Arabia

Authors: Hommel, Fritz 
Editors: Hilprecht, Hermann Volrath 
Book title: Explorations in Bible Lands During the 19th Century
Locality: Philadelphia
Published by A.J. Holman and Company 1903
Pages: 691-752
Language: English
In his essay on the history of archaeology in Arabia, the German scholar Fritz Hommel (1854-1936) deals with the following topics: 1) History of the exploration (pp. 693-726) 2) South Arabian Inscriptions (pp. 727-741) 3) Arabia and the Old Testament (pp. 741-752)
He outlines Eduard Glaser's four expeditions to Yemen (pp. 717-724), highlighting Glaser's travelogues 'Meine Reise durch Arḥab und Hāschid' 'Von Ḥodeida nach Ṣana'ā' and including a picture of the explorer in Yemen (p. 723).
Hommel also reports on Glaser's intention to publish 'a larger work' entitled 'Saba' (p. 722) and informs about David Heinrich Müller's publication of original stones which were acquired from Glaser by the Court Museum in Vienna. (-->'Südarabische Alterhümer im Kunsthistorischen Hofmuseum')
Link (03.08.2021)
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