GlaViWo - Article: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00257

(Type of publication: article)

Mi Haya Eduard Glaser (Who Was Eduard Glaser)

Authors: Goitein, Shlomo Dov 
Book title: Shevut Teiman
Locality: Tel Aviv
Published by MiTeiman LeZion 1945
Pages: 149-154
Language: Hebrew
In this article, the German Jewish Arabist Shlomo Dov Goitein (1900-1985) sheds light on the life and works of Eduard Glaser from a Jewish perspective.
Professor Goitein addresses Eduard Glaser's relation with the Jewish community in Ṣanʿāʾ, concretely with the scholar Rabbi Yaḥyā Qāfiḥ (1850–1932), and discusses Glaser's position with regard to the Zionist movement.
According to Goitein, Glaser provided Rabbi Qāfiḥ with the Hebrew books 'Kinʾat emet' ('The Zeal for Truth'), 'Ari nohem' ('A Roaring Lion'), 'Sheʾagat aryeh' ('The Lion's Roar') and 'Kol sakhal' ('Voice of a Fool') that denied the Kabbala.
Link (10.08.2021)
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