GlaViWo - Article: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00241

(Type of publication: article)

Chronique. Autriche

Authors: Derenbourg, Hartwig 
Book title: Revue critique d'histoire et de littérature
Volume: XXII, 45
Locality: Paris
Published by Ernest Leroux 1886
Pages: 387
Language: French
This article contains a short review of Eduard Glaser's work 'Mittheilungen über einige aus meiner Sammlung stammende sabäische Inschriften. Nebst einer Erklärung in Sachen der D. H. Müller’schen Ausgabe der Geographie al-Hamdānīs'.
The French orientalist Hartwig Derenbourg (1844-1908) refers to Eduard Glaser's two earlier trips to Yemen and characterises him as one of the most intrepid and capable travellers. He points out that the book is Glaser's first publication of Ancient South Arabian inscriptions and praises it as 'successful debut in the field of Ancient South Arabian epigraphy'.
The reviewer also addresses Glaser's polemics against his primary mentor David Heinrich Müller (1846-1912), the editor of al-Hamdānī's 'Ṣifat Ǧazīrat al-ʿArab', but refrains from commenting it.
Link (29.09.2021)
Linked signature, parents: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00323
Linked signature, sisters: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00479

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