(Type of publication: newspaper article)
Korrespondenzen und Nachrichten. Berlin
Book title:
Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums
Beilage 'Der Gemeindebote'
54, 31 (15.08.1890)
Published by
Verlag von Rudolf Mosse
This article covers the award of an honorary doctorate to Eduard Glaser (1855-1908) by the University of Greifswald.
In the opinion of the author of this article, Glaser holds a special position among Orientalists: without being a scholar by birth, Glaser has nevertheless acquired a high reputation in his field.
The doctoral degree certificate from the University of Greifswald refers to Glaser as 'Pervestigator Arabiae Felicis felicissimus', 'the extraordinarily successful researcher of Arabia Felix / Happy Arabia'.
In the diploma awarded to him, Glaser is given further distinctions as follows:
- the astute thinker of pre-Islamic inscriptions
- the subtle explainer of Semitic antiquities
- the zealous illuminator of the darkest epochs of history and geography
- the intrepid acquirer of excellent (Arabic) manuscripts
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