GlaViWo - Book: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00132

Empire, Islam, and Politics of Difference. Ottoman Rule in Yemen, 1849-1919

Authors: Kuehn, Thomas 
Published in: Leiden
Published by: Brill , 2011
The Ottoman Empire and its Heritage , 48
The present study examines how the Ottomans re-conquered and ruled large parts of present-day Yemen between 1849 and the end of World War I.
Drawing on a wide range of sources - including travelogues of European travellers such as Eduard Glaser (1855-1908) -, Thomas Kuehn shows how the practices of Ottoman imperial rule were shaped through the encounters between Ottoman officials, their European rivals, and local communities.
E.g.: The author compares the Ottoman perceptions of the role of the 'sayyids' and the 'fuqahā' in local society with Eduard Glaser's findings described in his work 'My Journey through Arhab and Hashid' (see pp. 127 ff.)
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