GlaViWo - Article: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00050

(Type of publication: journal article)

Glaser, Ed., Skizze der Geschichte u. Geographie Arabiens von den ältesten Zeiten bis zum Propheten Muhammad nebst einem Anhange zur Beleuchtung der Geschichte Abessyniens im 3. u. 4. Jahrh. n. Chr. Auf Grund der Inschriften, der Angaben der alten Au

Editors: Zarncke, Friedrich 
Book title: Literarisches Centralblatt für Deutschland
Volume: 37 (05.09.1891)
Locality: Leipzig
Published by Eduard Avenarius 1891
Pages: 1266-1268
Language: German
Before entering into details on the Eduard Glaser's work 'Skizze der Geschichte u. Geographie Arabiens von den ältesten Zeiten bis zum Propheten Muhammad' (Sketch of the History and Geography of Arabia from the Earliest Times down to the Time of the Prophet Muhammad), the reviewer emphasises that the explorer spent ten years travelling through Arabia under privations and dangers and thus got to know the country and its people thoroughly.
He highlights Glaser's discovery of several thousand inscriptions, 'which will provide the most valuable contributions to the illumination of the history of Arabia'. Nonetheless, the reviewer notes that the monograph contains a number of misinterpretations due to the fact that Glaser does not have the expertise of a historian or philologist.
According to the reviewer, these misinterpretations mainly concern the sections on the biblical geography of Arabia, i.e. the location of Paradise, the land of Ophir, the Table of Nations or the Queen of Sheba. In the eyes of the reviewer, Glaser's language is not always palatable: apart from the tiring personal polemics that run through the book, 'the boundaries of beauty are often overstepped'.
Link (13.10.2023)
Linked signature, parents: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00324
Linked signature, sisters: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00098

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