(Type of publication: newspaper article)
Zur Ophirfrage
Hoffmann-Kutschke, Arthur
Book title:
Vossische Zeitung. (Königlich privilegirte Berlinische Zeitung. Morgenausgabe)
elfte Beilage zur Vossischen Zeitung
395 (23.08.1908)
Arthur Hoffmann-Kutschke (1882–1947), scholar of Iranian studies, discusses the new findings on the biblical Ophir, famous in Old Testament times for its gold, and praises the contributions of 'the recently deceased' Eduard Glaser (1855-1908) in connection with the localisation of Ophir:
'Although Glaser made every effort to make his findings accessible to a wider public through newspaper articles, the press at the time took no further notice of the modest but thorough work of the competent explorer.'
According to Hoffmann-Kutschke, Glaser's discoveries have been further confirmed in recent years by native texts of Elam published by French researchers...
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