GlaViWo - Archive: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-ZAMU-11-01-198

(Type of publication: letter)

Authors: Gottheil, Richard 
Recipient: Glaser, Eduard GND
Locality: New York
Pages: 4
Museum number: Regionální Muzeum K.A. Polánka v Žatci (Av 11/1,198)
Provenance: Estate of Eduard Glaser (1855-1908)
Date of letter: 29.11.1889
Language: English
Creation date: 29.11.1889
Locality of recipient: München
'My dear Dr. Glaser Early in January I am going to commence the editing of a little format to be devoted to Oriental Science. It will be published by the Oriental Department of our college.
I had the pleasure of making your acquaintance in Stockholm + Christiania this summer; and of hearing from you privately of the magnificent discoveries you have made in Arabia. In America we know absolutely nothing about them. Would you perhaps write for our new journal a couple of that articles giving us some idea ...
I trust you will find it possible to send me some ... contribution. Of course, I shall see that it is translated into English - Believe me ... cordially yours Richard Gottheil Prof. d. Semit. Sprachen'
Short description:
letter by Richard James Horatio Gottheil (1862–1936), Professor of Semitic languages and rabbinical literature at Columbia University (1887-1936) & Chief of the Oriental Division of the New York Public Library, who expresses his pleasure at having met Eduard Glaser (1855-1908) on the occasion of the 8th International Congress of Orientalists in Stockholm (in Sept. 1889)
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