GlaViWo - Glaser Diary/Manuscript: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-T11

(Type of publication: diary)

Language: German
Publication year: 1888
Pages: 235 pp., 5 single sheets
The diary is in very bad state, spine is broken, loose pages, acid paper. On the cover: Glaser A1003, written by Maria Höfner. It is mostly written in Gabelsberger shorthand, some parts in Latin (pencil). Transcriptions of inscriptions GL406 to GL798, and some sketches of buildings, pillars, maps . - On the cover verso: "Abgeklatschte Steine 21 St._: 799, 980, 875, 862, 879, 869, 876, 879, 880, 887, 883, 874, 878, 870, 865, 866, 859, 872, 884, 860, 861, 875, 868, 863, 864, 826, 492, 867, 869, 870, 871, 881, 882, 885, 865, 888, 889, 882. [980, 826, 492 (with note), 867, 871, 881, 882, 885, 865, 888, 889, 882 (with note) all not crossed out]. - On the fly leaf: _Reise nach den Mašâriḳuon Ṣaņˀâ (Mârib etc.). Vom 17. März 1888 [...] bis 24. April April 1888._ 235 numbered pages, of which 214 pp. are written in Gabelsberger shorthand. - Between cover and flyleaf: Add. 1 and Add. 2: one by an unknown person, one by Eduard Glaser written in Gabelsberger shorthand: on recto GL383 with transcription, on verso a drawing of a capital, GL382 with transcription. - Add. 3 between p. 23 and p. 24, Add. 4 beween p. 71 and p. 72, Add. 5 between p. 149 and p. 150, all by an unknown person. - Between pp. 51- end some remarks in black ink. -
Link (19.04.2021)
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Linked signature, children: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-T11-Tr1
Museum number: Austrian Academy of Sciences, Glaser Collection, Box

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