GlaViWo - Museum: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-SMBP-VA2669

Slab with South Arabian inscription

Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (SMB), Preußischer Kulturbesitz (VA2669)
GL-number: GL830
Currently available: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Former owner: Glaser, Eduard Material: limestone
Provenance: Eduard Glaser's collection of original stones, which the explorer had gathered on his third trip to Yemen (October 1887-September 1888), was acquired by the German-Jewish publisher and philanthropist Rudolf Mosse (1843-1920), who passed it on as a donation to the then Königliche Museen zu Berlin (Royal Museums in Berlin). By royal decree of 1 June 1891, the Royal Museums were authorised to accept the donation from Rudolf Mosse.
Creation date: Production date:
Locality: Yemen
Language: Sabaic
height: 0.70 m
width: 0.49 m
First description: Mordtmann, Himjarische Inschriften, 1893, p. 12
Hartmann, Jamaniyat, 1895, p. 138
Linked signature, sisters: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-KHMU-SEM_0001
Linked signature, children: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00947
23-line inscription; treaty of alliance between the kings 'Alhân of Saba, Gedarot of Axum & Ghailân of Hadhramawt
According to information available in Eduard Glaser's work 'Die Abessinier in Arabien und Afrika', Glaser found no less than 16 inscriptions or fragments of inscriptions bearing the same or almost the same text.
In addition to GL 830, another - more complete - version (GL 1076) is available in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, object identifier: AE SEM 1.
3D obj: 3D-View

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