GlaViWo - Book: AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-F-00431

Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft

Authors: Glaser, Eduard GND
Published in: Berlin
Published by: Wolf Peiser Verlag , 1899
The Land of Punt had been a major trading partner of Egypt for more than 1000 years, supplying mainly frankincense, myrrh, gold, ebony and baboons. In ancient Egyptian texts, the Land of Punt is referred to as 'the land of the gods'. However, the texts do not reveal where the kingdom really lay.
Hence, Punt's exact location became the subject of dispute among historians, scholars and archaeologists. Over the last century, it has been identified with Syria, Southern Arabia, Eastern Sudan, Northern Ethiopia, Western Ethiopia and Somalia as well as - more recently - with the Red Sea Coast of Saudi Arabia.
In this publication, Eduard Glaser (1805-1908) tries to demonstrate that the realm of Punt had a wide extension, encompassing the south coast of Arabia and Soqotra, as well as large parts of the African coast incl. Zanzibar and Mashonaland. He concludes on Punt that 'there can be no doubt that Punt in the Egyptian inscriptions is a general term for all South Arabian tribes and their African settlements'. (p. 65)
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